Bruce Spence's Height
6ft 6 (198.1 cm)
Australian actor best known for roles in The Road Warrior and Legend of the Seeker. He once joked in the Sunday Herald, "Here I am at 5ft 7 and I'm still working!". He is listed 198cm on his agency resume and in a interview he talked about his height, saying: "I'm actually six foot six, I don't know where this six foot seven has come from. Surprisingly there are a few actors a little taller than me, but I definitely am one of the tallest in the business. It's been an advantage and a disadvantage. One of the reasons I've found myself in sci-fi and fantasy films to a certain degree is because of my physical shape."Rob with Bruce Legend of The SeekerStar WarsNew Zealand ActorsBruce Heights Average Guess (32 Votes)
6ft 6.49in (199.4cm)